Monday, March 30, 2009

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs

Apparently this book, one of my all time favorites, is being made into a movie this year! Hoooraay! In other news; Owen had a spell yesterday so we are looking at Friday for a come home date.
Whenever I read one of my previous sad posts it really makes me appreciate everything Jesus does for me. I would never be able to "pull myself up by my bootstraps" if it weren't for Him. He is so amazing in the strength that he gives me and the endurance that he has set before me. I am so thankful for Him! I cannot imagine why we have gone through this as a family, but not knowing is just fine with me.
I know that God has a plan for me, I have seen it many times in the past. There have been so many times in my life when I have wondered why I am going through certain things only to be shown years later that it has taken me to where I am today. For example, I had to have my heart broken to move to Ames; if I hadn't moved to Ames I would never have met Nate. How can I question a God who gives me such amazing gifts?
There has been so much going on in our house recently it's crazy! William is going through a stage where he does not want to go to sleep; he just can't stand to miss anything! He is cognitively growing by leaps and bounds! He is counting to 10, saying most of his ABC's, and is using 2-3 word sentences constantly. Today we had this conversation: William: "Where Sammy?" Me: "Sammy is in the bedroom." William: "Sammy nigh nigh?" Me: "Yep, Sammy's night night."
From an educational standpoint this just astounds me! To know that for him to have this conversation with me many things have happened. He is able to understand object permanence, knowing that Sammy has gone somewhere, but that she exists in another place even though he can't see her. He also knows that when you are in a bedroom chances are you're sleeping. Not to mention that he has developed proper syntax for answering questions! Way to go Will! It is so amazing for me to watch his development when I am able to appreciate what it takes for him to say such things! Ahhh.
Alright, I think I am going to head into the kitchen for a snack of strawberries and whipped cream! :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hello Everyone!

I am freaking out today!  Owen has been spell free since 2am on the 23rd, which means if he doesn't spell any  more he will be home on Saturday!  Pray pray pray!  We can't wait for him to come home!  Today my mom called and offered to watch William overnight before Owen comes home, and we decided that would be tonight!   I am surprising Nate with a suite for us with a whirlpool, got a "romantic basket" whatever that is, and am taking him out to eat at the Cheesecake Factory!  We have earned it I think and we wont be able to go out again in who knows how long!! I can't wait to tell Nate about it!  :)  

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Oh to be free again

     Well, I am sitting in my living room with a basket full of junk food lovingly wedged under my arm.  I love easter candy.... I know I should be losing weight, but I just think that with everything that's going on in my life I deserve a little indulgence. 
      I spent another hectic day running around and trying to get things done.  I had my 6 week checkup at the OB and had to take William.  I actually got yelled at for that by mom because he was in the room watching when I was examined.  I asked her what my other options were considering everyone has a job during the week and she was out of town.. ?  It's not like I wanted to take him with me so that he would be subjected to that horror but what else could I have done?  He did a good job though.
      After the OB I decided to reward him with Culvers but he fell asleep on the way home.. He ended up waking up enough to try to eat but only had a few fries.  Personally, I think I should have skipped it because I ended up eating WAY too much.  Oh well.  
     Owen is just under 5 lbs; .2 oz under that is.    I can't wait to bring him home; I miss him so much when I'm gone.  I don't ever feel complete, Someone is always gone.  He is still spelling like crazy and I want him to stop so that he can begin the countdown to come home.  I'm hoping that will be soon... I haven't done anything tonight but sit here on the couch.  My to-do list keeps getting longer because I'm not crossing anything off.  Oh well..  I guess there's time.  I suppose I'll stop ranting now and try to spend a few minutes doing something productive even though I know that wont happen.  

Friday, March 13, 2009

Fire up the engines!!

It has literally been years since I have been able to keep up with a blog, so I'm not really expecting much out of this... I'm kind of bad about quitting things... Anyway, what is going on with me?  Well, my life is pretty boring for those of you who are looking for drama.. I am married, have two sons, William is 20 months old, and Owen was born on Feb 4th and is in the NICU.  I'm unemployed, desperately trying to finish my degree in elementary education, which is taking MUCH longer than it should be due to the whole "having kids" thing.  I spend most evenings alone now because Nate, my hubby, only gets to spend time with Owen at that time.  William goes to bed around 7:30, so here I am!  Oh well, it's nice some nights to be able to relax and do whatever I so please, but most nights it gets pretty boring.  
     Other than that, there's not a whole lot going on.. I'm dreaming of buying a house, but since I get my heart set on basically anything that fits my mood I refuse to even browse at houses for more than a few minutes.  
      I currently have the song "Shiver" by Coldplay stuck in my head, it seems like this might have some significance, but I doubt it; I'm just melodramatic.  I just read a disturbing blog by one of my friends that really makes me worry about him.  I wish I was in a position to help, but without a job and a much bigger place there's not a whole lot I can do... 
     I decided recently that I should really get dug down into these new internet things that I haven't been doing, things like twitter.  Oh, and keeping a blog again.. that seems to be a good idea, mainly so I have some type of outlet other than repeating the same story to Nate and my mom... I think they're probably sick of my ranting.. I would be too!  Now any unfortunate soul who comes across this blog will be given the same treatment that my mom and Nate get every day.  :)  Lucky you!  Anyway, I suppose that will be it for this evening!