Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Breastfeeding Help

Hello again world! I was looking for jobs for Nate today and I ran across an ad for a part time breastfeeding consultant. The only requirements were a high school diploma and experience breastfeeding. Well, I have both! I LOVE breastfeeding my son, and am very proud to do it! I am one of those moms who has no problem whipping her breast out in a restaurant if it is what the baby needs! (I am discreet, however, because I know it embarrasses some people, e.g. my husband). I decided, I would reply to the listing. I was reading over the letter I sent them, and thought that I would include my breastfeeding story here as well. Here it is..
I breastfed my first son for 5 months. I was never wholly confident in the process, and felt as if I was never giving him enough nutrition. I was also afraid of leaving him for more than one feeding without bringing my pump along. Things have changed quite a bit since then!
I am currently breastfeeding my youngest, who is 9 months old. I have been told that my breastfeeding story is unique. My youngest son was born at 28 weeks gestation and was in the NICU for 8 weeks. During that time I pumped milk for him to take during a feeding tube. After he had been in the hospital for roughly 5 weeks I began to struggle with pumping around the clock. I had clogged milk ducts and began losing my milk supply. I lost confidence in my abilities and ended up quitting nursing altogether. I had stockpiled enough milk for him to be able to use only breastmilk for the next three months and I was confident in my choice. After my son came home my pediatrition discussed with me the ways to stretch out my milk supply for as long as possible to give my son the most benefits. We began feeding him formula along with his breastmilk, only to find that he could not tolerate it without severe pain and gas. One night as I was laying in bed worrying, I decided to see if I had any milk left (it had been roughly 3 weeks since I had last pumped or nursed). I was able to get a few drops out of one breast. Driven with the commitment to do everything possible for my son I scoured the internet for hope of renewing my milk supply. I found encouraging websites and had wonderful discussions with my son's pediatrition. With the help of their advice and encouragement, as well as Mother's Milk tea, I regained my full supply of milk and have been nursing him ever since. I am now very confident in my body's ability to produce milk and I know that my body can detect exactly what he needs to eat. I know that if I miss more than one feeding he will be just fine! As long as he has a bottle with him, I don't have to worry. My breasts wont dry up if I don't pump for a few feedings. We have a wonderful nursing relationship and he is thriving!


  1. I'm pretty sure that you've managed to embarrass Grandpa Dude, too ;-D

  2. You know, Grandpa dude doesn't seem to mind anymore!
